27 External Audit - Annual Audit Letter 2010/11 PDF 148 KB
Report of the External Auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Mr. P. Chambers from PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Council’s external auditors, presented the Council’s Annual Audit Letter, which provided an overall summary of the key issues considered as part of the audit work undertaken on accounting matters and systems of internal control during 2010/11 and a summary of the recommendations made during that period, which had previously been reported to the Committee.
That the Annual Audit letter for 2010/11 be noted.
24 External Audit - Annual Audit Letter 2009/10 PDF 87 KB
Report of the External Auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Mr. P. Chambers from PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Council's external auditors, presented the Council's Annual Audit letter which provided an overall summary of the results of the audit work undertaken on accounting matters and systems of internal control during 2009/10, the unqualified conclusion on the adequacy of the Council's arrangements for its Use of Resources on 26 October 2010, the review of the Council's Annual Governance Statement and an update on the audit fees for 2009/10.
That the Annual Audit letter for 2009/10 be noted.