Issue - meetings

Local Flood Risk Management

Meeting: 26/01/2011 - Cabinet Member - Technical Services (meeting) (Item 129)

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Report of the Environmental and Technical Services Director





The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Environmental and Technical Services Director seeking approval to start implementing new duties in relation to local flood risk management; and indicating that a decision on this matter was required as recent legislation had placed such new duties on the Council.


The report indicated that the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (the Act) was passed by Government this spring and that it would have a phased commencement; that it would place a number of new duties on local authorities along with a general duty to provide a leadership role in relation to flooding from all sources; that it should be noted that other relevant authorities such as Water Companies would have a duty to co-operate with the Council as the Council discharged this leadership role; and that DEFRA (Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs) wrote to all Councils on 16 September 2010 to advise them that various elements were commencing on 1 September and 1 October and that the Government was working towards commencing most other parts of the Act by April 2011.


The report also indicated that it had not been possible at this time to determine the financial implications arising from the new burdens under the Act in relation to staff resources; that the Government had made it clear that local authorities would need to think now about what was necessary to make sure the skills and capacity were in place for the strategy preparation processes to take advantage of funding and guidance when it was made available in 2011; and concluded that, given the uncertainty relating to resource need and future structures for Council Services, it was not appropriate at this time to request formal inclusion in the Council's budget process but that it was appropriate to ask the Cabinet Member to:


·                 note the Government's intention to place additional duties on the Council as a Lead Local Flood Authority


·                 note that Government's grant allocation within the Local Government Settlement of £121,000;


·                 note the need for resources to be included in future budgets to deliver these new burdens and for the provision of a client function.




(1)      the Government's intention to place additional duties on the Council as a Lead Local Flood Authority be noted;


(2)      the Government's grant allocation within the Local Government Settlement of £121,000 be noted; and


(3)      the need for resources to be included in future budgets to deliver these new burdens and for the provision of a client function be noted.

Meeting: 12/01/2011 - Cabinet Member - Environmental (meeting) (Item 85)

85 Local Flood Risk Management pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Report of the Environmental and Technical Services Director


The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Environmental and Technical Services Director seeking approval to start implementing new duties in relation to local flood risk management; and indicating that a decision on this matter was required as recent legislation had placed such new duties on the Council.


The report indicated that the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 (the Act) was introduced last Spring and that it would have a phased commencement; that it would place a number of new duties on local authorities along with a general duty to provide a leadership role in relation to flooding from all sources; that it should be noted that other relevant authorities such as Water Companies would have a duty to co-operate with the Council as the Council discharged this leadership role; and that DEFRA (the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) wrote to all Councils on 16 September 2010 to advise them that various elements were commencing on 1 September and 1 October 2010 and that the Government was working towards commencing most other parts of the Act by April 2011.


The report also indicated that it had not been possible at this time to determine the financial implications arising from the new burdens under the Act in relation to staff resources; that the Government had made it clear that local authorities would need to think now about what was necessary to make sure the skills and capacity were in place for the strategy preparation processes in order to take advantage of funding and guidance when it was made available in 2011; and concluded that, given the uncertainty relating to resource need and future structures for Council Services, it was not appropriate at this time to request formal inclusion in the Council's budget process but that it was appropriate to ask the Cabinet Member to:


·                    note the Government's intention to place additional duties on the Council as a Lead Local Flood Authority;


·                    note the Government's grant allocation within the Local Government Settlement of £121,000; and


·                    note the need for resources to be included in future budgets to deliver these new burdens and for the provision of a client function.




(1)       the Government's intention to place additional duties on the Council as a Lead Local Flood Authority, be noted;


(2)       the Government's grant allocation within the latest Local Government Settlement of £121,000, be noted; and


(3)       the need for resources to be included in future budgets to deliver these new burdens and for the provision of a client function, be noted.