64 Constitution - Rules of Procedure - Revenue Budget PDF 72 KB
Report of the Monitoring Officer
Further to Minute No. 187 of the Cabinet Meeting held on 27 January 2011, the Council considered the report of the Acting Head of Corporate Legal Services and Monitoring Officer on proposals to amend the Constitution with regard to the setting of the Revenue Budget.
It was moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Brodie-Browne and
That approval be given to the amendment of the Constitution to provide that the provisions of Rule 15.4 (Content and Length of Speeches) and Rule 17 (Previous Decisions and Motions) of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules be suspended only to enable statements to be made on behalf of the three Political Groups on the forthcoming year's Revenue Budget and to allow Political Group Leaders to move amendments to the forthcoming Revenue Budget where items have been previously debated and voted upon at a Council meeting in the past six months.
187 Constitution - Rules of Procedure - Revenue Budget PDF 72 KB
Report of the Monitoring Officer
The Cabinet considered the report of the Acting Head of Corporate Legal Services and Monitoring Officer on proposals to amend the constitution with regard to the setting of the Revenue Budget.
That the Council be recommended to give approval to the amendment of the Constitution to provide that the provisions of Rule 15.4 (Content and Length of Speeches) and 17 (Previous Decision and Motions) of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules be suspended only to enable statements to be made on behalf of the three Political Groups on the forthcoming year’s Revenue Budget and to allow Political Group Leaders to move amendments to the forthcoming Revenue Budget where items have been previously debated and voted upon at a Council meeting in the past six months.