227 Leisure and Tourism Department - Fees and Charges 2011/12 PDF 70 KB
Report of the Leisure and Tourism Director
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 59 of the meeting of the Cabinet Member - Leisure and Tourism held on 9 February 2011, the Cabinet considered the report and supplementary note of the Leisure and Tourism Director on the proposed fees and charges for services to be delivered by the Leisure and Tourism Department in 2011/12.
That the fees and charges for 2011/12 as set out in Annex A of the report and the supplementary note be approved.
59 Leisure and Tourism Department - Fees and Charges 2011/12 PDF 70 KB
Report of the Leisure and Tourism Director
Additional documents:
The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Leisure and Tourism Director that contained proposals to:
Attached as an annexe to the report was a copy of the ‘Review of Charges’ that provided the detail of proposals.
During the discussion of the item a revision to the ‘Review of Charges’ annexe was circulated. The clerk agreed to publish the additional information on the Council’s website.
That Cabinet be recommended to approve the fees and charges for 2010/11, as detailed within the report and its annexe.