Issue - meetings

Merseyside Sub - Regional Choice Based Lettings Scheme - Allocations Policy

Meeting: 16/02/2011 - Cabinet Member - Regeneration. (Item 77)

77 Merseyside Sub - Regional Choice Based Lettings Scheme - Allocations Policy pdf icon PDF 268 KB

Report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director


The Cabinet Member considered the report of the Neighbourhoods and Investment Programmes Director that advised of the outcome of the recent consultation exercise and sought approval to a new Choice Based Allocations Policy, to be adopted by the five Merseyside Local Authorities participating in the Sub–Regional Scheme; and note progress toward the introduction of the Scheme.


This was a key decision and was included on the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.




(1)      the Cabinet be requested to approve the revised Choice Based Allocations Policy, as detailed within the annexe to the Merseyside Sub-Regional Based Lettings Scheme – Allocations Policy report; and


(2)      the progress toward the introduction of the sub-regional Choice Based Lettings Scheme be noted.