Issue - meetings

Transformation Programme and Further Options 2011/12

Meeting: 01/03/2012 - Council (Item 111)

111 Revenue Budget 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 44 KB

Joint report of the Chief Executive and Head of Corporate Finance and ICT

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 90 of the meeting held on 16 February 2012, the Council considered the joint report of the Chief Executive and the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT which provided details of the remaining budget savings options to be considered under the Transformation Programme proposals, and the proposed framework budget referred by the Cabinet on 16 February 2012 to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Performance and Corporate Services) meeting on 21 February 2012 for consideration prior to this Council meeting.


The report incorporated the following information:


Executive Summary


Annex A          Revenue Budget Proposals 2012/13

Annex B          Revenue Budget Summary 2012/13


Part A Transformation Programme


·        Work Programme and Prioritisation

·        Consultation and Engagement Overview

·        Impact Assessment Overview

·        Risk Management

·        Remaining relatively Low and Medium Impact Options

·        Reviews

·        Options requiring further consideration

  • Landscape Services
  • Supporting People
  • Adults Transport
  • Re-Commissioning of Nursing and Residential Care

·        Conclusion


Annex C         Work Programme Timetable

Annex D         Remainder of options where the impact has been assessed as relatively low or medium following the analysis of the consultation and engagement activity

Annex E          Community Care Practitioner Review

Annex F          Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector Review

Annex G         Terms of Reference - Library Services Review

Annex H          Terms of Reference - Leisure Activity Review

Annex I            Terms of Reference - 24 Hour Response Review

Annex J          Terms of Reference - Street Lighting Review

Annex K          Landscape Services Change Proposals

Annex L          Supporting People Proposal


Part B “Framework” Budget


The Mayor reported that the details of the frequently asked questions on the Transformation Programme 2011-2104, had been circulated around the Council Chamber to enable all Members of the Council to consider the content.


The Mayor indicated that much of the information within the report was based on the large scale consultations held on the budget savings options and he expressed thanks to the Members of the public who had taken part in the consultation exercise.


The Mayor requested Members to take into account the issues raised at the Members’ Briefing Sessions held on 9 and 16 February 2012 and be aware of their responsibilities relating to the consideration of the key issues set out in the report.


This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.


It was moved by Councillor P. Dowd, seconded by Councillor Maher:




(1)       the work programme timetable contained in Annex C of the report be noted;


(2)       after taking into account the equality analysis assessment, the consultation feedback, risks and mitigating actions for each individual proposal, approval be given to the following actions being taken on the budget savings options set out in Annex D of the report:



Service Area


Action to be taken


Highways Maintenance

A further reduction in Highways Grounds Maintenance Works Budgets which will be delivered by a reduction in the number of cuts to all highway grassed areas


That a reduction of three cuts to all highway grassed areas at a saving of £50,000 be approved


Public  ...  view the full minutes text for item 111

Meeting: 03/03/2011 - Council (Item 88)

88 Transformation Programme and Final Revenue Budget Options 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 153 KB

Report of the Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 240 of the Cabinet meeting held on 3 March 2011, the Council considered the report of the Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer on proposals to finalise the 2011/12 Budget within the prioritisation framework agreed by the Council.



The Mayor referred to the copy of the Cabinet resolution on this issue (Cabinet Minute 240 refers) which had been circulated around the Council Chamber, and which incorporated details of the following corrections to the report, which do not affect the total budget figure:


Paragraph 7.1Coast and Countryside value should read £306,000


Arts and Cultural Services value should read £497,000; and


Appendix B - Item 7.1.9            Arts and Culture should read £497,000 in



It was moved by Councillor Robertson, seconded by Councillor Parry:


That the recommendations set out in Minute No. 240 of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 3 March 2011, as circulated to Members of the Council be approved.


A lengthy debate took place on the content of the Cabinet recommendation. 


On a show of hands, the motion was carried by 36 votes to 23 and it was




(1)       the progress to date on the Transformation Programme be noted;


(2)       the Neighbourhoods and Safer/Stronger Communities Review be approved; it be confirmed that their activities be funded to the value of £1.2m and officers be mandated to commence a consultation process with partners, key stakeholders, employees and Trade Unions, including the issue of relevant statutory and contractual notifications;


(3)            approval be given to the additional savings/budget adjustments outlined in paragraph 3.1 of the report and totalling £0.95m;


(4)            approval be given to the further savings proposals relating to management and support costs set out in paragraph 4 of the report and officers be mandated to continue/commence the consultation process with suppliers, employees and Trade Unions, with a view to realising the reduction in costs identified, including the issue of relevant statutory and contractual notifications;


(5)       the balance of Management and Support savings yet to be identified be noted and officers be requested to report back on specific proposals to meet this target;


(6)       the update on Terms and Conditions and the Social Care Funding be noted and approval be given to the inclusion of the savings within the final approved budget;


(7)       the assessment of Tier 2 services in line with the previous resolution of Council and the specific savings proposals set out in Appendix B of the report be approved subject to the deletion of the savings relating to Targeted Youth and Detached Youth Work, and Officers be mandated to continue the consultation process with relevant stakeholders, employees and Trade Unions, with a view to realising the reduction in costs identified;


(8)       the shortfall of £0.30m on the savings achievable from Tier 3 in 2011/12 only be noted, subject to a combined saving target of £1m being applied to all Youth Service activities in 2012/13 with a part year effect of £500,000 in 2011/12 and a redesign of the Youth Service  ...  view the full minutes text for item 88