Issue - meetings

Capital Programme

Meeting: 15/12/2011 - Cabinet Sub-Committee - Capital Programme (Item 4)

4 Capital Programme Update pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Joint report of the Strategic Director – Place and the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT


Further to Minute No. 68 of the Cabinet Meeting held on 8 December 2011,

the Sub Committee considered the joint report of the Strategic Director - Place

and the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT which provided an update on the

committed and uncommitted schemes in the Capital Programme.




That the Cabinet be requested to recommend that the Council give approval



(i)       the confirmation of the following uncommitted capital schemes in the

           Capital Programme:


·       Other Capital Maintenance - £1,089k

·       Other Modernisation £88k

·       Other Schools Access Initiative £102k

·       New Pupil Places - £508k

·       Disabled Facilities - £26k

·       IT Server Replacement - £25k

·       Members ICT - £27k

·       Adult Personal Social Services - £1,605k

·       Hesketh Park Visitor Office - £50k

·       Southport Sports Park £75k

·       Botanic Gardens Museum and Roof - £25k

·       Southport Commerce Park - £884k



(ii)      the reduction/abandonment of the following uncommitted schemes to           the Capital Programme:


·       South Sefton 6th Form Centre £70k

·       Waste Infrastructure Grant - £244k

·       Development Fund - £9k

·       Members ICT - £50k

·       IT Server Replacement - £23k

·       Southport Sports Park - £307k

·       Highway Parking Improvements - £100k; and


(iii)      the merging of the IT Server Replacement and Botanic Gardens           Museum and Roof schemes to form a Capital Contingency Fund.

Meeting: 08/12/2011 - Cabinet (Item 68)

68 Capital Programme Update pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Joint report of the Strategic Director – Place and the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT


The Cabinet considered the joint report of the Strategic Director - Place and the Head of Corporate Finance and ICT which provided an update on the committed and uncommitted schemes in the Capital Programme, together with details of proposals for new capital schemes for 2012/13 on the basis of ‘invest to save’ revenue expenditure.




(1)       the progress made in relation to the delivery of committed capital schemes and particularly the potential for under- and over-spends related to those schemes, be noted;


(2)       a Cabinet Sub-Committee comprising of Councillors Booth, Fairclough, Moncur, Parry, Porter and Robertson be requested to consider which of the uncommitted capital schemes identified in the report should be approved for continuation or abandonment within the Capital Programme and submit its recommendations to the Cabinet and Council;


(3)       any underspends achieved within the committed Capital Programme, together with any approved funding associated with the abandonment of any uncommitted schemes referred to in Resolution 2 above, be in the first instance allocated to off-set any net overspends currently identified within the Capital Programme;


(4)       for any uncommitted scheme that the Council agree to continue within the Capital Programme as referred to in Resolution 2 above, the appropriate Officers be requested to re-evaluate the running costs and funding sources and report the findings back to the Cabinet before a final decision is made to progress any such scheme;


(5)       the Council be requested to give approval to the inclusion of the following ‘invest to save’ capital schemes in the Capital Programme 2012/13:


·    Convert traffic bollards to LED fittings - £109k

·    Convert traffic signs to LED fittings - £140k;

·        Adaptations to Foster Carers’ Residencies - Pilot Scheme - £200k; and


(6)       approval be given to the submission of a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund for a contribution of £4.079m toward the cost of Phase II of the regeneration of Kings Gardens, Southport.