54 Transformation Programme 2012 - 2015 PDF 406 KB
Report of the Chief Executive to follow
Further to Minute No. 36 of the meeting held on 16 August 2012, the Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Finance and ICT and the Head of Transformation which provided details of a package of potential savings options which could be progressed in order to move towards the achievement of a balanced budget in 2013/14 and 2014/15. At this stage the report sought approval to consult communities, partners, key stakeholders and employees, as appropriate, on the options prior to any consideration by Council.
The extent of the options identified in the report reflected the significant
challenge of identifying a further £43.7 million of savings equivalent to an 18.5% reduction of the total net budget.
The report contained the following annexes:
Annex A - |
Work Programme Timetable |
Annex B - |
Executive Summary of the Leisure Activity Review |
Annex C - |
Ongoing Business Efficiencies |
Annex D - |
Senior Management Structure |
Annex E -
Options on which approval to commence internal consultation and engagement activity is sought |
Annex F - |
Options on which approval to commence consultation and engagement activity with the community is sought |
The Chief Executive presented the report and indicated that the challenge of achieving £43.7 million of savings would present significant capacity issues and risks; that the options contained in the report would have implications for local communities; but that the Council would strive to mitigate such risks as far as possible. It would not be possible to mitigate all the risks. The Chief Executive concluded by stressing that at this stage of the process, approval was being sought to consult on the options and once the consultation was deemed to be complete that recommendations thereon would be submitted to future Cabinet meetings and meetings of the Council including the Council meeting on 22 November 2012.
Councillor Dowd mentioned the fact that all of the options contained in the report were not sufficient to meet the budget gap and that further options would need to be identified.
Members of the Cabinet raised questions on the following issues referred to in the report and Officers responded to the issues as referred to below:
Page / Paragraph in the Report |
Question / Response |
Page 122 Options C7.4 and C9.1
(Councillor Cummins) |
A number of items indicated that there would be “budget realignment”, for example C7.4 and C9.1. Could officers confirm what this meant and what quality assurance work had the Finance Team undertaken with regard to these proposals?
Response The Strategic Director – People commented that the items could be financed from alternative sources. Item C7.4 could be met from the Dedicated Schools Grant and C9.1 from the Drugs Action Team monies from Public Health. The Corporate Finance Manager commented that all budget proposals had been through a Quality Assurance process to confirm that the saving option was financially realistic and was feasible in the short and long term. He also stated that many of the items headed “Budget Re-alignment” were areas of underspend identified in 2011/12, that could ... view the full minutes text for item 54 |