75 Refurbishment of King’s Gardens, Southport - Tender Award PDF 81 KB
Report of the Strategic Director - Place
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 30 of the meeting held on 19 July 2012, the Cabinet considered the report of the Strategic Director – Place on the procurement and tender process undertaken for the selection of the main contractor to undertake the refurbishment works at King’s Gardens, Southport.
The Strategic Director – Place circulated a supplementary report which provided an update on the tender evaluation process.
This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
Decisions Made:
1. the information contained within section 2 of the report and supplementary report relating to the management of risk be noted;
2. that based on the price and quality assessment of the tenders submitted for the project, Casey Pro Environment of Rochdale be appointed as the preferred contractor for the refurbishment project;
3. authority be given for the project to proceed on the basis of the scheme cost totalling £4,834,651.32; and
4. subject to the satisfactory resolution of outstanding matters with the Heritage Lottery Fund to the extent that the Council’s financial contribution to the project is not increased, the Head of Corporate Legal Services be authorised to enter into a formal contract with the preferred contractor.
Reasons for Decision:
To comply with the Constitution and Heritage Lottery Fund Grant Award Contract conditions to enable the project to proceed.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: