55 Port Master Plan Working Group – Final Report PDF 78 KB
Report of the Director of Corporate Commissioning
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The Cabinet considered the report of the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board Working Group on the review of the Port of Liverpool Master Plan.
Councillor McGinnity, the Lead Member of the Working Group attended the meeting and outlined the content and recommendations set out in the report and responded to questions from Cabinet Members.
This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
(1) the Director of Built Environment be requested to submit a monitoring report in relation to air quality to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services) every six months;
(2) the Director of Built Environment request Peel Holdings to review all its tenancy agreements with a view to including a “good neighbour” clause to minimise dust, dirt and noise pollution;
(3) the Director of Built Environment be requested to approach Peel Holdings for a guarantee that Peel Holdings will recruit local residents, with the right attitude, to any additional job/post wherever possible;
(4) the Director of Built Environment request Peel Holdings to continue to attract a potential operator to run a regular rail service to/from various origins/destinations at Seaforth, in order to minimise container traffic on the roads, and that a progress report be submitted six monthly to the Port Health Authority, of which Sefton MBC has representation on;
(5) NHS Sefton be requested to report the results of the life style survey to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care) at their first opportunity;
(6) NHS Sefton be requested to report the results of the Health Impact Assessment, to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Health and Social Care) at their first opportunity;
(7) the Sefton Council representative(s) nominated to sit on the City Region Port Access Steering Group be requested to report progress regularly to the Cabinet Members for Communities and Environment, Regeneration and Tourism and Transportation in order that they may update the relevant Overview and Scrutiny Committees through their individual Cabinet Member Reports;
(8) the Sefton Council representative(s) nominated to sit on the City Region Port Access Steering Group be requested to continue raising the concerns in relation to the increased traffic and increased pollution in order that a sensible long term highway solution may be considered, to include pedestrian safety;
(9) the Director of Built Environment be requested to introduce a process whereby the relevant Agency (Environment Agency) communicate regularly to Sefton Council with regard to the monitoring of noise pollution and the results collected by the monitoring systems already in place at the Port;
(10) the Director of Built Environment be requested to write to the Highways Agency, on behalf of the Council, requesting them to install a Hurry Call System at appropriate points along the A5036 (Dunnings Bridge Road) to help in the plight to reduce pollution;
(11) the Director of Built Environment be requested to manage, on behalf of the Council, the requests of expenditure from the Community Environment Fund, to Peel Ports;
(12) the Director ... view the full minutes text for item 55