Issue - meetings

Notice of Motion Submitted by Councillor P. Dowd

Meeting: 06/09/2012 - Council (Item 54)

Notice of Motion Submitted by Councillor P. Dowd

To consider the following Motion submitted by Councillor P. Dowd:


"The Council has difficult decisions to face, and will continue to face, in relation to its finance and provision of services.


Local Government has been harder hit than any other area of government spending.  The figures provided by the present Government at the outset of the post emergency budget in June 2010 were misleading and grossly understated and whilst the Government promised fairness it has been lamentable in its delivery on this promise. Contrary to its claims, we are not “all in it together” and the most deprived areas have faired worse. The Council has had and will have to continue to make deep cuts to comply with the Government’s funding regime.  The Council will have to consider the impact that such cuts may have on the most vulnerable, as a large proportion of our spending is on adult social care.    


The all-Party Local Government Association paints a bleaker picture for the future if the Government continues on this path of financial retrenchment.


Whilst the Council acknowledges that public finances are strained, in no small measure as a result of the Government’s policies,  nevertheless the Council will be lacking in its responsibilities not to inform the people of Sefton why it is having to make these difficult decisions, many of which are as a result of Government demands. 


Given this, the Council agrees to ensure that as part of the public budget consultation process, it ensures that in its communications the public are aware of the size and nature of the cuts imposed by the Government on  Sefton funding. "


It was moved by Councillor P. Dowd, seconded by Councillor Maher and




That the Council has difficult decisions to face, and will continue to face, in relation to its finance and provision of services.


Local Government has been harder hit than any other area of government spending.  The figures provided by the present Government at the outset of the post emergency budget in June 2010 were misleading and grossly understated and whilst the Government promised fairness it has been lamentable in its delivery on this promise.  Contrary to its claims, we are not “all in it together” and the most deprived areas have fared worse.  The Council has had and will have to continue to make deep cuts to comply with the Government’s funding regime.  The Council will have to consider the impact that such cuts may have on the most vulnerable, as a large proportion of our spending is on adult social care.


The all-Party Local Government Association paints a bleaker picture for the future if the Government continues on this path of financial retrenchment.


Whilst the Council acknowledges that public finances are strained, in no small measure as a result of the Government’s policies, nevertheless the Council will be lacking in its responsibilities not to inform the people of Sefton why it is having to make these difficult decisions, many of which are as a result of Government demands.


Given this, the Council agrees to ensure that as part of the public budget consultation process, it ensures that in its communications the public are aware of the size and nature of the cuts imposed by the Government on Sefton funding.


(On a show of hands, the Mayor declared that the Motion was carried by 31 votes to 22)