33 Call In - Housing in Multiple Occupation and Flats Supplementary Planning Document PDF 78 KB
Report of the Director of Built Environment.
Additional documents:
The Committee considered (a) the report of the Director of Corporate Commissioning, which set out the decision of the Cabinet on the above matter and the reason given for call-in; and (b) the report of the Director of Built Environment in relation to this matter.
The decision taken by the Cabinet on 14 February 2013 (Minute No. 111) in relation to this matter was as follows :-
“Decision Made:
The supplementary planning document be approved subject to the insertion of the following text before table 3 in the document, to provide clarity on where the size standards in the table apply:
“These minimum standards will apply to all self-contained flats whether the development is part of a HMO (Use Classes C4 or Sui Generis HMO) or part of a scheme consisting entirely of self-contained flats (Use Class C3)”.
Reasons for Decision:
To adopt the supplementary planning document for decision making for Planning applications and enforcement purposes.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Cabinet - 28 February 2013
At the above Meeting the following amendment to the minutes was agreed:-
Decision Made:
That the minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 14 February 2013 be confirmed as a correct record subject to the resolution in Minute No. 111 being amended by the addition of the following text in the supplementary planning document:
“The Council will look favourably upon applications for one bedroom flats where previously they have been discouraged”.
The Chair, Councillor McKinley, reported on the procedure for consideration of the call-in.
The Senior Democratic Services Officer, Mrs. Ruth Harrison, reported on the validity of the call-in and highlighted that the call-in requisition:-
The Committee considered the comments of Mrs. Amanda Biagetti, Service Manager, Planning Services on the background to this matter and Councillor Maher Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Tourism, addressed the Committee in relation to the decision taken.
Councillor Papworth, on behalf of Councillors Dorgan and McIvor, outlined and amplified the following reason for call-in:-
“The decision contravenes sub-paras (b) and (c) of Para 40 of Chapter 6 of the Council’s Constitution; in other words, that the Cabinet decision is unsound, being based on facts not taken into account, and would lead to very unwise future decisions by the Council. In particular: a. Cabinet was advised that ample consultation had taken place; this is disputed by my constituent, who is the largest provider of HMO’s in Sefton, and who also represents a considerable number of other landlords. He had about 10 minutes in which to read and comment on the SPD. b. The Supplementary Planning Document seeks ... view the full minutes text for item 33
111 Housing in Multiple Occupation and Flats Supplementary Planning Document PDF 75 KB
Report of the Director of Built Environment
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 123 of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 6 February 2013, the Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Built Environment on the results of the recent consultation on the draft supplementary planning document for housing in multiple occupation and flats.
The Cabinet also considered an addendum note produced by the Director of Built Environment on a revised recommendation made by the Planning Committee and a copy of the presentation given by Amanda Brown, (Planning Consultant) to the Planning Committee on 6 February 2013.
The Chair sought assurances that adequate consultation had been undertaken on the draft supplementary planning document and the Director of Built Environment indicated that a 12 week consultation period had been held; officers had considered and replied to the seven responses submitted and met the Private Landlords Forum to discuss the issues set out in the document.
This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
Decision Made:
The supplementary planning document be approved subject to the insertion of the following text before table 3 in the document, to provide clarity on where the size standards in the table apply:
“These minimum standards will apply to all self-contained flats whether the development is part of a HMO (Use Classes C4 or Sui Generis HMO) or part of a scheme consisting entirely of self-contained flats (Use Class C3)”.
Reasons for Decision:
To adopt the supplementary planning document for decision making for Planning applications and enforcement purposes.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: