Issue - meetings

Welfare Reform

Meeting: 31/01/2013 - Cabinet (Item 96)

96 Welfare Reform pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Report of the Strategic Director - People


The Cabinet considered the report of the Strategic Director – People which provided details of the implications of the Welfare Reform Act 2012; how Sefton Council working with key partners can develop a response to Welfare Reform to mitigate where possible any impacts on our communities; and an update on progress so far on looking at the impacts of Welfare Reform.


Members of the Cabinet expressed their concern at the impact of the Welfare Reform changes upon the local community and thanked officers of the Council and partner organisations for their endeavours in mitigating the impact within the limited budgetary resources available.


This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.


Decisions Made:


(1)       the partnership Action Plan approach be endorsed;


(2)       the progress to date on the themes in the Action Plan be noted;


(3)       that further specific workshops on themes and neighbourhoods be held with partners;


(4)       progress reports be submitted to the Cabinet every six months;


(5)       the real energy and commitment from partners and within the Council to mitigate impact where possible be noted and encouraged; and


(6)       a small reference group comprising of the Cabinet Members – Children, Schools, Families and Leisure; Older People and Health and Communities and Environment be established to oversee the direction of Welfare Reform mitigation.


Reasons for the Recommendation:


(i)         To ensure that the Cabinet is fully aware of the potential impacts of Welfare Reform;


(ii)        To enable the Council to set a clear direction and focus for efforts to mitigate impacts of Welfare Reform; and


(iii)       To put in place any mitigating actions if possible and work with partners to do so.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


The proposed mitigation measures have been developed in partnership with key organisations such as JobCentre Plus, Citizens Advice Bureau, One Vision Housing and the community, voluntary and faith sector.  Various options were suggested through the vibrant and well attended partner workshops and these have been considered for both deliverability and viability.  The options put forward in the Action Plan are considered to be those that can be progressed with a practical outcome.