Issue - meetings

Notice of Motion Submitted by Councillor Dawson

Meeting: 24/01/2013 - Council (Item 89)

Notice of Motion Submitted by Councillor Dawson

To consider the following Motion submitted by Councillor Dawson:


“The Council notes:


1.         the erosion of the value of the State Retirement Pension over many years;


2.         that since 2010, in a time of relative of austerity, the Government has increased the State Retirement Pension above the prevailing inflation rate;


3.         the announcement of Government proposals to introduce a new state pension system which will, from 2017, guarantee a pension 'of right' to all those who have been in employment of approximately £160.00 per week;


4.         the particular benefits in the new proposals for those, disproportionately women whose employment record has been broken by periods of full-time or part-time childcare; and


5.         the proposed new pension system will encourage people to save to add to their pension income without being penalised by a means test which has acted as a disincentive, to many, to claiming their full entitlement.


On behalf of the future pensioners living within the communities served by Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council, the Council welcomes, in principle, the announced basis of the new State Retirement Pension proposals.”



It was moved by Councillor Dawson, seconded by Councillor Shaw


“The Council notes:


1.         the erosion of the value of the State Retirement Pension over many years;


2.         that since 2010, in a time of relative austerity, the Government has increased the State Retirement Pension above the prevailing inflation rate;


3.         the announcement of Government proposals to introduce a new state pension system which will, from 2017, guarantee a pension ‘of right’ to all those who have been in employment of approximately £160.00 per week;


4.         the particular benefits in the new proposals for those, disproportionately women whose employment record has been broken by periods of full-time or part-time childcare; and


5.         the proposed new pension system will encourage people to save to add to their pension income without being penalised by a means test which has acted as a disincentive, to many, to claiming their full entitlement.


On behalf of the future pensioners living within the communities served by Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council, the Council welcomes, in principle, the announced basis of the new State Retirement Pension proposals.”


Following debate thereon, on a show of hands, the Mayor declared that the Motion was lost by 34 votes to 19, with 9 abstentions.




That no action be taken on the Motion.