127 Identification and Disposal of Surplus Council owned Sites for Housing Development PDF 76 KB
Report of the Director of Built Environment
The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Built Environment which provided details of a number of surplus Council owned sites that may in principle be suitable for housing development subject to planning permission, and sought endorsement to dispose of the identified sites in the short term. These sites would then be added to the Council’s 5 year supply at the appropriate times and any formal re-designation of land/sites would only be done as part of the preparation of the Local Plan.
This was a Key Decision and was included in the Council’s Forward Plan of Key Decisions.
Decision Made: That:
(1) it be agreed that the identified ‘less constrained’ sites in Table 1 of the report (that are not currently subject to disposal proceedings) are in principle, suitable locations for housing (subject to planning permission), and would be disposed of for housing development within two years.
(2) It be agreed that the ‘former Z Blocks’ sites in Netherton are in principle, suitable locations for housing (subject to planning permission) and would be disposed of for housing development within the next three years
(3) it be agreed that the ‘constrained sites’ identified in Table 1 of the report are in principle, suitable locations for housing development (subject to planning permission), and that these sites be progressed for development when circumstances allow. At that point in time, these sites may be brought into the Council’s ‘5 year supply’; and
(4) the planning policy context to the identification of these sites, and in particular the requirement to identify a ‘5 year supply’ of deliverable housing sites be noted and the sites listed in the report be included in the Council’s 5 year supply at the appropriate times.
Reasons for Decision:
To give approval to the disposal of surplus Council owned sites for housing development.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: