Mayor's Communications
Election of New Councillors
The Mayor congratulated all of the Councillors who were re-elected to office following the Local Government Elections held on 22 May 2014, and extended a warm welcome to the following 8 new Councillors elected to office, who stood up in the Council Chamber to introduce themselves to the other Members of the Council:
David Barton, Jo Barton, Maria Bennett, June Burns, Janet Grace, Daniel Lewis, Robert Owens and Michael O’Brien.
The Mayor reported that the remaining new Member, Councillor Andy Dams had sent his apologies for tonight’s meeting, as he was away on holiday.
Councillors Not Re-Elected
The Mayor indicated that he wished to place on record, the gratitude of the Council to the four former Councillors who were not re-elected to office, for their dedicated service to the Borough of Sefton, namely:
· Sean Dorgan who served on the Council for 4 years;
· Bruce Hubbard who served on the Council for 4 years;
· David McIvor who served on the Council for 5 years; and
· Andrew Tonkiss who served on the Council for 22 years.
Annual Council and Installation Dinner
The Mayor thanked all of the Councillors who attended his Installation Ceremony and Dinner on 29 May 2014 and expressed the hope that they all enjoyed themselves.
Mayor's Communications
Annual Council and Installation Dinner
The Mayor expressed her thanks to those Councillors who had attended her Installation at the Annual Council Meeting and the Installation Dinner held in the Ramada Hotel, Southport on 9 May 2013; and indicated that she was Iooking forward to her third term as Mayor of Sefton.
Mayoral Civic Service
The Mayor reported that her Civic Service would take place on Sunday 7 July 2013 at St Francis of Assisi Church, Folkstone Road, Southport; and that further details would be released in the near future to all Members of the Council.