Notice of Motion Submitted by Councillor Jones
To consider the following Motion submitted by Councillor Jones:
“That this Council writes to the Government to request that:
1. The emphasis of the National Planning Policy Framework is amended so that there is not such a strong presumption in favour of development and that there is more emphasis on protecting residential amenity;
2. The Government reconsider the direction of travel with regard to control of development so that local planning authorities have a greater degree of control through formal consents; and
3. Councils have a greater degree of freedom to refuse those developments which have a detrimental effect on residential amenity.”
It was moved by Councillor Jones and seconded by Councillor Hartill:
“That the Council:
1. recognises the devastating effect the disgraceful and cowardly act of trolling can have on individuals or their close relatives;
2. notes the concerns of the public expressed in recent research conducted by Kantar where 85% of those surveyed believed there needs to be new legislation to deal with the issue of trolling and stronger rules be introduced to govern it; and
3. requests the Government to amend legislation to ensure that:
(i) someone who has been proved to have taken part in trolling not be allowed to stand for election as a councillor; and
(ii) an elected memberbe removed from their position if proved to have taken part in trolling.”
An Amendment was moved by Councillor Brodie-Browne, seconded by Councillor Weavers that the Motion be amended by:
1. In paragraph 1, the addition of the word "malicious” before"trolling" and after "trolling” the insertion of "/cyberbullying as defined by the Malicious Communications Act 1988";
2. In paragraph 2, the addition of the word "malicious” before"trolling" and after "trolling” the insertion of "/cyberbullying"; and
3. The deletion of paragraph 3.
Following debate thereon Councillor Brodie-Browne agreed to delete Paragraph 3 of his amendment, providing that Paragraph 3 of Councillor Jones’s Motion was amended by the substitution of the word “trolling” in (i) and (ii) with the words “trolling/cyberbullying”.
Following debate thereon, on a show of hands, the Mayor declared that the amendment was carried unanimously.
On a show of hands, the Mayor declared that the Substantive Motion was carried unanimously and it was
That the Council:
1. recognises the devastating effect the disgraceful and cowardly act of malicious trolling/cyberbullying, as defined by the Malicious Communications Act 1988 can have on individuals or their close relatives;
2. notes the concerns of the public expressed in recent research conducted by Kantar where 85% of those surveyed believed there needs to be new legislation to deal with the issue of malicious trolling/cyberbullying and stronger rules be introduced to govern it; and
3. requests the Government to amend legislation to ensure that:
(i) someone who has been proved to have taken part in trolling/cyberbullying not be allowed to stand for election as a Councillor; and
(ii) an elected member be removed from their position if proved to have taken part in trolling/cyberbullying.