Issue - meetings

Correspondence Received From Member

Meeting: 14/05/2014 - Independent Remuneration Panel (Item 13)

13 Correspondence Received From Member pdf icon PDF 32 KB

To consider the attached correspondence received from Councillor Dawson


The Panel considered correspondence from Councillor Dawson asking that in future when considering the scheme of Members’ Allowances, the Panel take into account the Special Responsibility Allowances and Basic Allowances made to Members across the North West region, and in particular, in authorities of a similar size and complexity to Sefton.


Members were advised that when approving the latest Scheme of Members’ Allowances on 6 June 2012, the Panel considered statistical information relating to Basic Allowances (BA’s) paid to Members in the north west region and BA’s paid to Members of comparable local authorities, by population, that was extracted from the most recent Local Government Association Survey undertaken in 2008; and that this survey also included details of Special Responsibility Allowances.  





the correspendence from Councillor Dawson be noted;



Councillor Dawson be advised that the Panel always takes into account comparative data when formulating Sefton’s Members’ Allowance Scheme; and  


Councillor Dawson be also advised that when the Panel next reviews the Members’ Allowance Scheme that all Sefton’s elected Members will be invited to submit their views to the Panel.