45 Infrastructure Working Group - Final Report PDF 75 KB
Report of the Director of Corporate Services
Councillor Weavers, the Lead Member of the Infrastucture Working Group will outline the key findings and recommendations of the Working Group, set out in the attached report.
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 9 of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services) held on 9 December 2014, the Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Corporate Services which incorporated the report of the Infrastructure Working Group.The Working Group had investigated and considered infrastructure issues arising from the preparation of the draft Local Plan for Sefton.
The Lead Member of the Working Group, Councillor Weavers referred to a wide range of issues which had been considered in detail by the Working Group, as set out in the report and he indicated that one of the key issues arising from the report was the need for the Council to have the capacity to meet the estimated level of affordable housing per annum.
The Cabinet Member – Regeneration and Tourism (Councillor Maher) indicated that he had requested that the Working Group be established to consider the infrastructure issues arising from the preparation of the Local Plan and he thanked the Members of the Working Group for all of the work undertaken in liaison with officers to produce the comprehensive report and recommendations.
Decision Made:
That the recommendations of the Infrastructure Working Group, as set out in paragraph 5 of its Final Report and detailed below, be approved:-
1. That infrastructure proposals are assessed to ensure that they are sufficient to meet the diverse needs of the local community and mitigate any local adverse effects of development that may result in the failure of Local Plan objectives, recommendations and/or plan policies and to ensure that the key principles for the Spatial Strategy are met.
2. That the Sustainability Appraisal makes specific reference to infrastructure improvements to mitigate any problems, or maximise benefits, identified through the appraisal process. Such opportunities should be clearly highlighted through cross references between the Sustainability Appraisal and the Infrastructure Delivery Plan. Where mitigation is found to be impracticable or the wider impact on surrounding areas unacceptable, alternatives should be sought.
3. That account is taken of the local evidence generated by Neighbourhood Plans and policies to ensure a holistic approach to planning within Sefton’s Local Plan and associated documents in relation to the provision of infrastructure and community facilities.
4. That a report be submitted to the Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Environmental Services) at the appropriate time, setting out the approach to the Community Infrastructure Levy and the potential relative priorities to be attached to the range of infrastructure needs. This process should be supported by giving priority to locally determined infrastructure needs and Government guidance informing how Community Infrastructure Levy contributions should be allocated.
5. Flood Risk and Drainage: That any new development does not increase flood risk from any source within the site and elsewhere, and where possible reduces flood risk.
6. Impact of large development building sites on existing communities: That a clear policy approach is set out in the Local Plan and Infrastructure Delivery Plan to ensure that the infrastructure needed is provided in ... view the full minutes text for item 45