Report of the Director of Built Environment
The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Built Environment which sought approval to the inclusion of the allocation of £770,000 grant for Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme into the Capital Programme 2014/2015 and the award of a contract for Bathymetric Surveys through the Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme procurement framework from the grant allocation. The Director of Built Environment reported that the Strategic Capital Investment Group had met following the publication of the Cabinet agenda and supported the proposals set out in the report.
Decision Made:
(1) approval be given to the addition of £770,000 ring-fenced grant for the Regional Coastal Monitoring Programme in to the Capital Programme; and
(2) the contract for the North West Bathymetric Surveys 2014/15 be awarded to the Environmental Scientifics Group as detailed in Section 5 of the report.
Reason for Decision:
The grant of £770,000 is the 2014/2015 annual allocation of a 5 year programme of coastal monitoring and the bathymetric survey was required as part of the programme to gather data upon the North West Coastline, to establish a series of datasets to support coastal management decisions.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: