Issue - meetings

Adult Social Care Change Programme

Meeting: 26/02/2015 - Cabinet (Item 65)

65 Adult Social Care Change Programme - Remodelling of Day Opportunities and Care Act Update pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Report of the Director of Older People


The Cabinet heard representations from Lindsay Scottwho had submitted a petition containing 2,028 signatures on behalf of the Friends of Brookdale which stated:


“Our campaign is to challenge the proposed closure of the Brookdale Resource Centre in Ainsdale. We need the Council and MP’s to listen and work out a way to keep this centre open.”


The Cabinet also heard representations from Mrs Margaret Mathieson who had submitted a petition containing 27 signatures on behalf of a deputation which states:


“We ask that the Elected Members investigate the administrative process in order to ensure that both the monitoring and scrutinisation of the outcomes of the questionnaire relating to the remodelling of the day services provision is truly representative of the recipients.”


 The Cabinet then considered the report of the Director of Older People which provided details of the outcome of the Remodelling of Day Opportunities consultation and sought approval for associated planned activity. The report also detailed the required changes associated with the Care Act 2014.


The Director of Older People referred to the following key issues, with regard to the proposals set out in the report:


1.         The Health and Wellbeing Strategy for 2013 - 2018 sought the provision of care facilities and services closer to the home of the service user, through the use of direct payments, which allowed great choice and control on the use of facilities and services.


2.         The Sefton Strategic Needs Assessment (SSNA) indicated a decline in the number of people using day centres. More people were using personal budgets and the direct payments system to improve their choice and control. The latest data in the SSNA indicated that the average unit cost in 2012/13 was £193, which was 45% higher than the average Metropolitan Authority and represented a 14% increase on 2010/11. 


3.         The day care provision provided by the Council had steadily declined over the last three years. He stated that this trend was a national one with average attendance numbers falling by 28% between 2011/12 and 2013/14.


4.         The majority of day care facilities in the Borough were in need of significant repair and maintenance. The facilities needed to be modernised and re-modelled to accommodate people with highly complexed needs in order to provide a more efficient and effective service.


5.         The consultation process had been agreed by the Public Consultation and Engagement Panel and the Cabinet Member – Older People and Health. Since July 2014, he had met monthly with a wide range of voluntary organisations, User Groups and Advocacy Organisations to discuss a wide range of issues as set out in the report.


6.         The first stage of the consultation had been held in October 2014 to discuss the vision, the provision of activities and transport provision. The second stage had commenced at the end of November 2014 on the various options for the two year programme of modernisation after taking into account the responses to the first stage consultation.


7.         404 responses to the second stage consultation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 65