Issue - meetings

Matter Raised by the Public

Meeting: 23/04/2015 - Council (Item 92)

92 Matters Raised by the Public pdf icon PDF 43 KB

To deal with matters raised by members of the public resident within the Borough, of which notice has been given in accordance with the procedures relating to public questions, motions or petitions set out in Paragraph 36 to 46 of the Council and Committee Procedure Rules in Chapter 4 of the Council Constitution.


The details of a public petition received are set out in the attached note.


The Mayor reported that in accordance with the Council’s Petition Scheme set out in Chapter 12 of the Constitution, a petition containing 5,465 signatures had been submitted by the ‘SOS Transport Sefton’ Group.


The Council heard representations from Mrs Joanne Allman of Formby on behalf of the deputation, on the content of the petition which stated:


“We, the undersigned, are calling on you to continue providing free school and college transport for disabled children and young people over 16.


We are concerned that many children and young people with SEND in the borough do not have the necessary skills to access the Travel Training programme that, according to Sefton Council's proposed changes, may replace free post-16 transport, nor are they able to travel to school or college independently. We do not believe it is fair or equitable to expect parents of these children to take responsibility for their transport to and from school or college.


It is ironic, given the Council’s expressed interest in promoting independence skills, that the proposed changes will in fact have the opposite effect for many children and young people with SEND, if they have to be escorted to school by their parents rather than travelling by minibus or taxi. We feel it is patently unjust to target cost-saving measures at the most vulnerable in society, and that it is tantamount to discrimination to penalise already hard-pressed families because their children’s disabilities prevent them from accessing the support offered by the Council.


Please take account of the views of the people of Sefton in the Public Consultation on Post-16 SEN Transport.”


The Leader of the Council (Councillor P.Dowd) thanked Mrs Allman for presenting the petition and indicated that the Council had no intention to cease the provision of post -16 school and college transport for disabled children and young people with special educational needs who attend specialist schools and colleges. The provision of transport may change for young people attending mainstream schools but this would be based on an assessment of the individual needs of each young person.


The Leader also referred to the concerns raised by Mrs Allman about the recent public consultation exercise undertaken by the Council and indicated that the consultation arrangements had been approved by the Council’s Public Engagement and Consultation Panel. He extended an invitation to representatives of the ‘SOS Transport Sefton’ Group to attend a future meeting of the Panel to discuss the lessons to be learnt in improving the process for future consultation exercises. The Leader also expressed a hope that dialogue would continue between the Group and Members and Officers of the Council on the future delivery of the transport service.


During the brief debate, it was also suggested that the Public Engagement and Consultation Panel be requested to review the Council’s consultation arrangements and seek feedback from other groups who had expressed dissatisfaction with recent consultation exercises.






(1)       the petition be noted;


(2)       the statement and assurances given by the Leader of the Council be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 92