Issue - meetings

Personalisation Strategy

Meeting: 03/09/2015 - Cabinet (Item 33)

33 Personalisation Strategy pdf icon PDF 126 KB

Report of the Director of Social Care and Health

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered the report of the Director of Social Care and Health which provided details of the final draft of the Personalisation Strategy for Sefton and proposals for the future development of a Personal Budgets Policy and Direct Payments Policy alongside the refresh of the existing Charging Policy.


Decision Made: That:


(1)       the Personalisation Strategy be approved:


(2)       the Cabinet receive further updates on the work to implement the Personalisation Strategy Action Plan in Sefton


(3)       the continuing work on developing a life course/person centred approach to Personalisation in Sefton, which was focused on “all-age” principles and applies to both children and adults be noted;


(4)       the Director of Social Care and Health develop a draft Personal Budgets Policy, a draft Direct Payments Policy and refreshes the Charging Policy, in consultation with Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and the Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Safeguarding;


(5)       the Director of Social Care and Health undertake any necessary consultation and engagement in respect of the draft Personal Budgets Policy, draft Direct Payments Policy and refreshed Charging Policy, before presenting such policies to the Cabinet for approval; and


(6)       it be noted it was proposed by officers that the Cabinet receive the Personal Budgets Policy in November 2015 and the Direct Payments Policy and revised Charging Policy in January 2016.


Reasons for Decision:


The Personalisation Strategy underpins the changes to social care in light of the Care Act 2014.


It had been identified that as a result of the Personalisation Strategy there was a need to address the development of interlinked areas of work. These include Personal Budgets, Direct Payments and Charging.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


None. Maintaining the status quo is not an option due to new legislation, demographic and budgetary pressures.