Issue - meetings

M58 Junction 1 - Procurement Strategy

Meeting: 14/01/2016 - Cabinet (Item 85)

85 M58 Junction 1 - Procurement Strategy pdf icon PDF 115 KB

Report of the Head of Locality Services - Commissioned


Further to Minute No. 37 of the meeting held on 3 September 2015, the Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Locality Services – Commissioned which provided details of the procurement strategy aimed at securing a Contractor to complete the design and construction of the proposed new slip roads at the M58 Junction 1.


Decision Made: That


1)         approval be given to the Procurement Strategy for the appointment of a Contractor with appropriate design experience to deliver the scheme to deliver new slip roads at the M58 Junction 1;


(2)       the Cabinet Member - Locality Services be granted delegated authority to approve the appointment of the Contractor; and


(3)       the Cabinet Member - Locality Services be granted delegated authority to approve the appropriate agreement with Highway England to enable the works to be completed on the motorway network.


Reasons for Decision:


To enable officers to appoint the Contractor to complete the design and construction of the approved scheme to meet the timescale for Growth Fund money.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


A number of options have been discussed and considered.


The use of the Use of Highways England Asset Support Framework had been considered but rejected as a viable option following advice from Highways England on the basis that the scheme was not of sufficient size to attract interest from the Framework contractors


The use of the Highways England Asset Support Contractor had been similarly rejected due to the timing of the end of the current contract coinciding the proposed start on site.


Separate Procurement Exercises for design and construction could be completed; however it was considered that this option reduced the scope for innovation or flexibility in the approach and that Early Contractor Involvement was favoured by the Department of Transport and Highways England for this type of project.