Issue - meetings

Revenue Budget 2014/15 Outturn

Meeting: 03/09/2015 - Cabinet (Item 41)

41 Revenue Budget 2014/15 Outturn pdf icon PDF 106 KB

Report of the Chief Finance Officer to follow


The Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Financial Officer which provided details of the revenue outturn position on the 2014/15 General Fund including the Schools’ Delegated Budget.


Decision Made: That:


(1)       the General Fund net surplus of £1.458 m for 2014/15 be noted


(2)       the Schools Delegated Budget net deficit of £0.346m for 2014/15 be noted;


(3)       approval be given to the carry forward of unspent resources in the Emergency Limited Assistance Scheme monies (£0.379m) into the 2015/16 financial year;


(4)       approval be given to the surplus in 2014/15 being utilised to:


(i)            assist in developing community support, extending the period of the modern apprenticeship scheme and providing additional recreational facilities at King’s Gardens as set out in paragraph 4.5 of this report; and


(ii)          provide a training course for aspiring instructors at the Crosby Lakeside Activity Centre at a cost of £30k.


Reasons for Decision:


To ensure Cabinet are informed of the revenue outturn position for 2014/15 and to seek approval to utilise available resources as set out in the report.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:

