Issue - meetings

Klondyke Regeneration Strategy; Penpol Commercial Site, Mel Inn and 1-9 Harris Drive shops

Meeting: 04/02/2016 - Cabinet (Item 99)

99 Klondyke Regeneration Strategy; Penpol Commercial Site, Mel Inn and 1-9 Harris Drive shops pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Report of the Chief Executive


The Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Executive which details the proposals to amend the adopted Housing Market Renewal ‘Strategy relating to the Klondyke/Hawthorne Road corridor, and specifically the future of the Mel Inn, the shop units at 1 - 9 Harris Drive and the use of the Penpol commercial site.

Decision Made: That

(1)       the revised plan for the properties and sites, as outlined in Section 2 of the report, be approved;


(2)       the Mel Inn be declared surplus to requirements and the  Head of Corporate Support together with the Head of Regulation and Compliance be authorised to negotiate and implement the disposal of the Mel Inn to the former owners;


(3)       Officers explore options for the future of the shop units at 1-9 Harris Drive, and submit a further report for consideration; and


(4)       the Head of Corporate Support together with the Head of Regulation and Compliance be authorised to negotiate the terms of disposal of the former Penpol commercial site to Bellway homes, and complete the disposal.


Reasons for Decision:

To determine the proposals to amend the Housing Market Renewal ‘Strategy, relating to the Klondyke/Hawthorne Road corridor.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


Implement the original strategy Option and develop the scheme as originally planned. The estimated cost provided by Bellway to develop the original Masterplan indicates the requirement for capital gap funding of circa £1.5m.

Council officers had also recently carried out an exercise to do an outline design for a new club and shops, and estimate the cost at over £2m. There was little realistic chance that the capital resources to implement this option could be secured.