Issue - meetings

Vision - Sefton 2030

Meeting: 01/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 27)

27 Vision - Sefton 2030 pdf icon PDF 295 KB

Report of the Executive Director

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director which indicated that Sefton Council was leading on developing a new vision for the borough, working closely with partners, businesses, private sector organisations, the voluntary, community and faith sector and the community.  The Vision and Outcomes Framework would help us focus on what’s important and to be ambitious for the Borough and its communities in the future.


The report provided an update on the 2030 Vision, including the feedback from previous and recent engagement activity and outlines the next steps that will be taken


Decision Made: That


(1)       the details of the engagement feedback set out in the report be noted:


(2)       it be noted that the partnership design work will continue:


(3)       the approach described in paragraph 4.3 of the report be approved; and


(4)       the next steps described in paragraphs 5.3 to 5.5 of the report be implemented.


Reasons for Decision:


Sefton Council was leading on developing a new and exciting vision for the future of the borough and wants anyone who lives, works or visits Sefton to be involved.

Working closely with partners, businesses, private sector organisations, the voluntary, community and faith sector and the wider Sefton community, the aim was to focus on what is important and to be ambitious for the borough and its communities in the future.

Imagine Sefton 2030 has engaged the public, local businesses and potential investors in creating a vision that would collectively promote shared prosperity, coordinated public investment, and a healthy environment and population.

The Vision and Outcomes Framework would guide long term planning - helping to collectively stimulate growth, prosperity, set new expectation levels and to help focus on what is important for Sefton.

Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


The role of the public sector is changing and so the Council and partners must prepare for the future. Doing nothing is not an option and a silo based approach would not maximise opportunities for the borough.