Issue - meetings

Appointment of Service Providers to Support the Syrian Vulnerable People Resettlement Programme

Meeting: 01/09/2016 - Cabinet (Item 33)

33 Appointment of Service Providers to support the Syrian Vulnerable People Resettlement Programme pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Report of the Head of Communities

Additional documents:


The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Communities which sought approval to vary the existing contract with the Sefton Supported Housing Group who provide accommodation and support services for homeless households, in order to assist house and support households received in Sefton under the Syrian Resettlement Programme.


Decision Made: That


(1)       the existing contract for the supply of temporary accommodation and support services with the Sefton Supported Housing Group (SSHG) be varied as set out in the report, in order for SSHG to supply additional accommodation and support services for Syrian families (as required by the funding agreement with UK Government) resettled in Sefton;


(2)       the Head of Communities, in consultation with the Head of Corporate Support and the Cabinet Member - Communities and Housing, be given delegated authority to enable the procurement and entering into further service arrangements with Sefton or Liverpool City Region Voluntary, Community and Faith sector organisations, to deliver required services that fall outside of the scope of the contract with SSHG; and


(3)       given the need for flexibility, the Head of Communities, in consultation with the Head of Corporate Support and the Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing, be given delegated authority to extend the contract further should the need arise, but within an overall contract cost of no more that £1m.


Reasons for Decision:


The value of the services to be provided under the proposed contract variation requires Cabinet approval.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


The Council could advertise a new contract but it would be unlikely to be let within the agreed timescales for the Scheme.