Issue - meetings

Membership of Committees 2008/09

Meeting: 22/09/2016 - Council (Item 43)

Membership of Committees 2016/17

To consider any changes to the Membership of any committees etc.


The Head of Regulation and Compliance reported that it came to light in July this year that there was an administrative issue as to whether one of the Parent Governor Representatives had been appointed for 2 years or 4 years to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services & Safeguarding) and she requested the Council to confirm the appointment of Mrs Ryan Palmer to the Committee for a further period until 22 January 2018.


Councillor Bliss reported on the following changes to the membership of Committees and Outside Bodies:


·         Councillor Jones to replace Cllr Dutton as a Member of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Adult Social Care and Health) and Councillor Dutton to be the Substitute Member for Councillor Jones on the Committee;


·         Councillor Dutton to replace Councillor Ball as a Substitute for Councillor Pitt on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services and Safeguarding);


·         Councillor Dutton to replace Councillor Ball as a Substitute for Councillor Bliss on the Local Joint Consultative Committee; and


·         Councillor Bliss to replace Councillor Ball as a Council representative on the Southport Pier Trust.




(1)       Mrs Ryan Palmer be appointed as a Parent Governor Representative on the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Children’s Services and Safeguarding) for a further period until 22 January 2018; and


(2)       the changes to the membership of the Committees and Outside Body referred to above be approved.