Community Equipment Store Review
To receive a presentation of the Director of Social Care and Health
Further to Minute No. 105 of the meeting of the Cabinet of 6 April 2017, the Board considered a presentation of the Director of Social Care and Health on a review of the Sefton Community Equipment Store. The presentation set out the background to the matter; the national policy context; the local policy context; the legal framework for equipment provision; Sefton population needs; Sefton population projections; the demand for community equipment; monitoring and service performance targets of the service; the budget arrangements for the provision of equipment; what equipment was provided; “core stock” and recycling; the stock workforce; issues and opportunities; and next steps to be taken.
The presentation indicated that community equipment was vitally important to support care at home and in a range of settings, particularly with an ageing population. A maximum of one year had been agreed from 31 March 2017 to extend the current Section 75 Partnership Agreement between the Council and Liverpool Community Health Trust for the operation of the Store to enable the review and to insure that the “incoming Partner”, North West Boroughs Healthcare Foundation Trust, was proportionately consulted. The review approach had been used to engage with the workforce, referrers, Healthwatch and other key stakeholders, and some of the areas under consideration included the legislation, policy context and vision; the increase in our older population and the increased demand for equipment; same day requests for equipment; and the implementation of an operational level improvement plan.
That the presentation in relation to the Community Equipment Store Review be noted.