Issue - meetings

Cabinet Member Report - 1 February 2017 to May 2017

Meeting: 13/06/2017 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services) (Item 9)

9 Cabinet Member Report - 1 February 2017 to May 2017 pdf icon PDF 68 KB

Report of the Head of Regulation and Compliance

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Head of Regulation and Compliance that included the most recent report from the Cabinet Member – Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services.  


Councillor Lappin, Cabinet Member – Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services presented her report and drew attention, in particular, to the following issues:- 


  • The continuation of the roll-out of the Pre-paid cards system
  • The work of the Council’s Procurement Team
  • The work of the Council’s Pay and Grading Team
  • Asset disposal
  • Councillor Robinson’s selection as Sefton’s Mayor for 2017/18


Councillor Lappin referred particularly to the outstanding work undertaken by the Council’s Electoral Services Team in administering the Liverpool City Region Mayoral election and the snap General Election.


Members of the Committee asked questions on the following topics:-


·       The securing of discretionary discount on surface water drainage charges for schools. 

·       When would the wind turbine on the Eco Centre be fixed and operational? – Jill Coule, Head of Regulation and Compliance indicated that she would provide an answer to this question

·       The commercial acquisition of the Strand shopping centre, Bootle; and when would details of the acquisition be made public? -  Jill Coule, Head of Regulation and Compliance indicated that there was a commitment to produce a public report on this issue but due to the current commercially sensitive nature of the acquisition no specific date could yet be given  





the update report from the Cabinet Member – Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services be noted;




Councillor Lappin be thanked for her attendance at the meeting; and


the Committee places on record its appreciation of the outstanding work undertaken by the Council’s Electoral Services Team in administering the Liverpool City Region Mayoral election and the snap General Election.