Issue - meetings

Town Centre Framework Action Plans

Meeting: 04/07/2017 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Skills) (Item 9)

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The Committee considered the report of the Head of Regeneration and Housing in relation to the Town Centre Framework Action Plans for Bootle, Crosby and Southport.


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Skills, Councillor Atkinson referred to a Meeting of the Committee held on 8 November 2017, in relation to the decision of the Cabinet being “called in” regarding the Southport Development Framework, Minute No. 23 refers, and stated that within her presentation at that meeting she had undertaken to present the Action Plan to a future meeting of the Committee.  Councillor Atkinson referred to the publication of the Bootle Town Centre Investment Framework and the Southport Development Framework in October 2016 and also referred to the publication of the Crosby Development Strategy which was approved by the Cabinet in November 2015.


Councillor Atkinson reported that the Frameworks provided a high level vision for future investment in the borough’s major Town Centres and that they outlined a direction of travel for each of the Town Centres.  It was emphasised that the Frameworks were not a prescriptive list of projects and that the Authority’s role, in taking will be to stimulate, facilitate and enable the regeneration of each of the Town Centre with developers, other agencies and stakeholders with the intention of providing investment opportunities.


It was reported that the Action Plans, as detailed in Appendix one to the report, for Bootle, Crosby and Southport Town Centres where an illustration of the work streams/themes that would be progressed and that they would link to initiatives highlighted in the published Framework reports.  It was also reported that although the Action Plans had a similar look they presented a different style with different priorities in order that the needs of each individual Town Centre could be addressed.  It was reported that the Action Plans were a long-term living document and would evolve as new opportunities and developments emerged.




That the Bootle, Crosby and Southport Town Centre Framework Action Plans be noted.