Issue - meetings

Procurement of Fleet, Machinery & Equipment for Green Infrastructure Integrated Land Management

Meeting: 27/07/2017 - Cabinet (Item 40)

40 Procurement of Fleet, Machinery & Equipment for Green Infrastructure Integrated Land Management pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report of the Head of Locality Services - Commissioned


The Cabinet considered the report the Head of Locality Services – Commissioned that sought Cabinet approval to procure machinery and fleet vehicles required for the Green Infrastructure – integrated land management service


Decision Made: That:


(1)       the procurement process, as set out in this report, for the provision of fleet vehicles and machinery required for the implementation of Green Infrastructure integrated land management service commencing autumn 2017, be approved;


(2)       the basis of evaluation of quotations as set out in paragraph 8 of this report, be approved; and


(3)       the Head of Locality Services – Commissioned be granted delegated authority to award the contract(s) to the highest scoring Bidder(s) in accordance with the scoring criteria set out in this report, be approved.


Reasons for the Decision:


The procurement exercise outlined in this report supports the requirement to establish ‘appropriate arrangements’ for the Green Infrastructure – integrated land management service.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


Lease hire of fleet vehicles, machinery and equipment to facilitate the GI integrated land management operations. However, this would incur increased revenue costs, limit the fleet vehicles, machinery and equipment available and restrict the flexibility of future service delivery options.