30 Work Programme Key Decision Forward Plan PDF 80 KB
Report of the Head of Regulation and Compliance.
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the report of the Head of Regulation and Compliance seeking the views of the Committee on its Work Programme for the remainder of 2017/18; noting the progress to date by the Working Group established; noting the progress to date by the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee for Cheshire and Merseyside (Orthopaedic Services); and identification of any items for pre-scrutiny scrutiny by the Committee from the Key Decision Forward Plan.
A Work Programme for 2016/17 was set out at Appendix A to the report, to be considered, along with any additional items to be included and agreed.
Fiona Taylor, Chief Officer for NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group, suggested briefings could be invited from the North West Ambulance Service and new community providers, for Committee Members.
Further to Minute No. 27 above, the report of the Head of Regulation and Compliance, on behalf of the Working Group established to consider Residential and Care Homes, had not yet been finalised and a request had been made for the item to be deferred to the next meeting of the Committee, to be held on 9 January 2018.
It was reported that the issue of dentistry had been raised as a possible topic to be reviewed, once the Residential and Care Homes Working Group Final Report had been completed and considered by the Committee.
The first meeting of the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee for Cheshire and Merseyside (Orthopaedic Services) had taken place and site visits at both Broadgreen and Aintree Hospitals had been held. Members of the Committee reported on the site visits undertaken, together with progress made by the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee.
There were four Decisions within the latest Key Decision Forward Plan, attached to the report at Appendix B that fell under this Committee’s remit, and the Committee was invited to consider items for pre-scrutiny.
(1) the Work Programme for 2017/18, as set out in Appendix A to the report, be agreed;
(2) the Senior Democratic Services Officer be authorised to liaise with the Chief Officer for NHS South Sefton Clinical Commissioning Group and NHS Southport and Formby Clinical Commissioning Group, with a view to possibly obtaining briefings from the North West Ambulance Service and new community providers, for Committee Members;
(3) the progress to date by the Residential and Care Homes Working Group be noted;
(4) consideration be given at the next meeting on 9 January 2018 on the issue of dentistry as a possible topic to be reviewed, once the Residential and Care Homes Working Group Final Report has been completed and considered by the Committee;
(5) progress to date by the Joint Health Scrutiny Committee for Cheshire and Merseyside (Orthopaedic Services) be noted; and
(6) the contents of the Key Decision Forward Plan for the period 1 November 2017 to 28 February 2018 be noted.