Issue - meetings

Disposal of Vine House

Meeting: 27/07/2017 - Cabinet (Item 45)

45 Disposal of Vine House

Appendices 1 and 2 to be considered in connection with Item No. 19 to follow


The Cabinet considered the joint report of the Head of Corporate Resources and the Head of Regeneration and Housing which provided details of offers received from prospective bidders who wish to purchase the freehold of Vine House, Kepler Street, Seaforth.


Decision Made: That:


(1)    Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council accepts the offer submitted by Signature Living;


(2)       the Head of Regulation and Compliance and the Head of Corporate Resources be authorised to enter into negotiations with Signature Living; and


(3)       the Cabinet delegate authority to the Cabinet Member for Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services to agree and approve the final terms of the disposal of Vine House.


Reasons for Decision:


To enable the disposal of Vine House, a property that has been rendered surplus to operational requirements and made available for disposal by the Council and which will further enable the building to be refurbished to a standard fit for residential occupation and therefore brought back into use.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


The Council could opt to demolish the building. This would potentially be at an estimated cost of between £750,000 to £1m. This would result in the creation of a site suitable for disposal likely to result in the provision of a small number of new build houses.