Issue - meetings

Commissioning and the Procurement Policy - Presentation

Meeting: 31/10/2017 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services) (Item 26)

Commissioning and the Procurement Policy - Presentation

To receive a presentation from the Head of Commissioning Support and Business Intelligence


The Committee received a presentation from Peter Moore, Head of Commissioning Support and Business Intelligence on Commissioning and the Procurement Policy.


Mr Moore detailed:-


·       The Commissioning Support and Business Intelligence service’s key aims of providing help with Strategy/Policy, Communications and Marketing and Change Management

·       Key Work Areas in 2016-17 which included Review of CPR, Processes and Guidance, Framework for Change – PSR10, Re-focusing Performance and Intelligence and Business as usual performance and intelligence, commissioning and procurement activity

·       Headline Projects in  2016/17 which included Remodelled Adult Community Day Care Services, Remodelling Supported Living Services Adult Social Care Market Analysis Exercises, Collaborative remodelling of Domiciliary Care Services, Dynamic Purchasing System for Children’s Placements, Contract Register Improvements, Sefton People and Place Profile and Ward Profiles and Extra Care Housing Gap Analysis

·       The Procurement Activity of the Procurement Team

·       And the next steps which included implementation of the refreshed Commissioning Framework, Completion of Organisational Development work, Implementation of the Performance Framework, support of the Framework for Change Programme and Framework for Change – PSR 10


Members of the Committee asked questions/made comments on the following issues:-


  • The Ward Profiles that had been produced was a great piece of informative work and very helpful to elected Members
  • The use of Mosaic and the social value aspects of policy making
  • The potential locally to ensure jobs and services were kept within Sefton




That Peter Moore be thanked for his informative presentation.