86 Revenue and Capital Budget Plan 2017/18 - 2019/20: Asset Maximisation Procurement Report PDF 67 KB
Report of the Head of Corporate Resources
The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Corporate Resources that sought Cabinet approval for the proposed method of procurement and the basis of tender evaluation in connection with the proposed creation of Community Bases that would support the delivery of the Early Intervention and Prevention programme. The report also identified works that were required to support the wider staff accommodation project that would be centred in Magdalen House.
Decision Made: |
That the Cabinet:
(1) approve the proposal to proceed to tender for the procurement of building works required for the creation of the Community Bases and the adaptation of Magdalen House;
(2) approve the proposed method of procurement and evaluation as set out within the report;
(3) grant delegated authority to the Head of Corporate Resources in consultation with the Cabinet Member, Regulatory, Compliance & Corporate Services to award the contracts to the highest scoring bidder; and
(4) authorise the Head of Regulation and Compliance to enter into Contracts with the successful Tenderers.
Reasons for the Decisions:
The Councils Public Sector Reform Programme, specifically Early Intervention and Prevention, Locality Teams, has progressed over the summer period 2017. Analysis and the design of what are referred to Larger Bases has completed with recommendations made for a number of assets to undergo physical adaptations to support delivery. The report and recommendations seeks authority to procure and tender for those works.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
There are no alternative options available to those contained within the report