Report of the Head of Corporate Resources
Further to Minute No. 95 of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 7 December 2017 the Council considered the report of the Head of Corporate Resources that provided Members with a review of the Treasury Management activities undertaken to 31 October 2017 which allowed monitoring against the Treasury Management Policy and Strategy statement approved by Cabinet and Council in March 2017. The report was the second of the ongoing quarterly monitoring reports provided to Audit and Governance Committee, whose role was to carry out scrutiny of treasury management policies and practices.
A decision on this matter was required to ensure that Members were fully appraised of the treasury activity undertaken to 31 October 2017 and to meet the reporting requirements set out in Sefton’s Treasury Management Practices and those recommended by the CIPFA code.
It was moved by Councillor Lappin, seconded by Councillor Maher and |
Report of the Head of Corporate Resources
The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Corporate Resources that provided Members with a review of the Treasury Management activities undertaken to 31 October 2017 which allowed monitoring against the Treasury Management Policy and Strategy statement approved by Cabinet and Council in March 2017. The report was the second of the ongoing quarterly monitoring reports provided to Audit and Governance Committee, whose role was to carry out scrutiny of treasury management policies and practices. |
Decision Made:
That: |
(1) the Treasury Management update to 31 October 2017 be noted;
(2) the effects of decisions taken in pursuit of the Treasury Management Strategy be noted; and
(3) the implications of changes resulting from regulatory, economic and market factors affecting the Council’s treasury management activities be noted. |
Reasons for the Decision:
To ensure that Members are fully appraised of the treasury activity undertaken to 31 October 2017 and to meet the reporting requirements set out in Sefton’s Treasury Management Practices and those recommended by the CIPFA code.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
There were no alternative options considered.
Report of the Head of Corporate Resources
The Committee considered the report of the Head of Corporate Resources which provided a review of the Treasury Management activities undertaken to 31 October 2017. This was the second of the ongoing quarterly management reports provided to Audit and Governance Committee.
The report would also be considered by Cabinet on 7 December 2017 and Council on 25 January 2018, to enable monitoring against the Treasury Management Policy and Strategy statement, approved by Cabinet and Council in March 2017.
The report included information on the investments held and entered into during the period and interest rates obtained. The report also highlighted any variances from the Treasury Management Policy and Strategy and the Council’s approved prudential indicators.
The Service Manager – Treasury and Capital presented the report and answered questions thereon.
(1) the Treasury Management update to 31 October 2017 be noted;
(2) the effects of decisions taken in pursuit of the Treasury Management Strategy be noted; and
(3) the implications of changes resulting from regulatory, economic and market factors affecting the Council’s treasury management activities be noted.