Issue - meetings

Town Centres (Scrutiny Review Working Group) Report

Meeting: 07/11/2017 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Skills) (Item 28)

28 Town Centres (Scrutiny Review Working Group) Report pdf icon PDF 67 KB

Report of the Head of Regeneration and Housing



Further to Minute No. 27 of 8 November 2016 the Committee considered the report of the Head of Regeneration and Housing indicating that on 26 February 2015, Cabinet resolved to accept the Final Report of the Town Centres Working Group Final Report; and that one recommendation within the Final Report was that all recommendations contained within it be monitored and progress reported to This Committee every six months.


The report indicated that the Head of Investment and Employment provided a comprehensive update to this Committee on 8 November 2016 that detailed completed actions or highlighting actions that were now redundant as a result of other actions; and that significant progress had now been made in relation to town centres and that high level visions for future investment and a direction of travel had been prepared and published for each of the following Town Centres:


·       Bootle Town Centre Investment Framework, published October 2016

·       Crosby Development Strategy, published November 2015

·       Southport Development Framework published Novemeber 2016


The report continued that Action Plans had been drawn up for Bootle, Crosby and Southport, illustrating the work streams and themes that would be progressed for each Town Centre; that each Action Plan was a long-term living document and would evolve as new opportunities and developments emerged; and that the work streams identified for each Town Centre were being actively progressed.


The report concluded by recommending that no further formal update reports be submitted to the Committee but that instead, updates be provided via the  Cabinet Member - Regeneration and Skills report to each Committee.





That in future, updates on Town Centres be reported to the Committee via the Cabinet Member - Regeneration and Skills report.