Issue - meetings

Review of Constitution

Meeting: 25/01/2018 - Council (Item 75)

75 Review and update of the Council's Constitution - Planning Applications and Neighbourhood Plan, Cessation of Area Committees and Petitions Scheme pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Joint report of the Chief Planning Officer and the Head of Regulation and Compliance


The Council considered the joint report of the Chief Planning Officer and the Head of Regulation and Compliance that sought a review and update of the Council’s Constitution in respect of issues associated with planning applications and the Neighbourhood Plan, the cessation of Area Committees and the Petitions Scheme.


It was moved by Councillor Roche and seconded by Councillor McGinnity:





the Constitution be amended to reflect the proposals associated with planning applications and the Neighbourhood Plan as set out in paragraphs 2.3, 2.5, 2.8, 2.9, 3.4, 3.5 and 4.1 of the report;



the current responsibilities of Area Committees be transferred to the bodies as detailed in Appendix 1 to this report and the Responsibility for Functions of the Council’s Constitution be amended accordingly;



all other references to Area Committees as detailed in Paragraph 10 of the report be removed from the Constitution; and






the petition threshold set out in Chapter 12 Section J of the Council’s constitution to trigger a debate at full Council be changed from 2750 signatures to 1000 signatures.

 Following debate on the report, an amendment was moved by Councillor Weavers, seconded by Councillor Brodie-Browne that Recommendation (4) of the report be amended by reducing the threshold number of signatures required to trigger a debate at full Council from 1000 to 500 signatures. 


Following debate the amendment was carried unanimously and became the Substantive Motion.


Following debate and in accordance with Paragraph 94 in the Council Constitution, the voting on the Substantive Motion was recorded and the Members of the Council present at the time, voted as follows:




Councillors Atkinson, Bradshaw, Brennan, Burns, Byrom, Carr, Carragher Linda Cluskey, Cummins, Fairclough, Friel, Grace, Hardy, John Kelly, John Joseph Kelly, Lappin, Dan. T. Lewis, Maher, McGinnity, McKinley, Moncur, Murphy, Brenda O’Brien, Michael O’Brien, Page, Roche, Roscoe, Sayers, Spencer, Thomas, Tweed, Veidman, Webster, Bill Welsh and Marianne Welsh.




Councillors Ashton, David Barton, Jo Barton, Bennett, Booth, Brodie-Browne, Dawson, Dodd, Dutton, Gannon, Jamieson Jones, Keith, Daniel Lewis, McCann, O’Hanlon, Preece, Pugh, Pullin, Shaw, Lynne Thompson and Weavers.


The Deputy Chair declared that the Substantive Motion was carried by 35 votes to 22 and it was





the Constitution be amended to reflect the proposals associated with planning applications and the Neighbourhood Plan as set out in paragraphs 2.3, 2.5, 2.8, 2.9, 3.4, 3.5 and 4.1 of the report;



the current responsibilities of Area Committees be transferred to the bodies as detailed in Appendix 1 to this report and the Responsibility for Functions of the Council’s Constitution be amended accordingly;



all other references to Area Committees as detailed in Paragraph 10 of the report be removed from the Constitution; and






that the petition threshold set out in Chapter 12 Section J of the Council’s constitution to trigger a debate at full Council be changed from 2750 signatures to 500 signatures.




Meeting: 06/12/2017 - Audit and Governance Committee (Item 27)

27 Review of Constitution - Planning Applications and Neighbourhood Plan pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Report of the Chief Planning Officer


The Committee considered the report of the Chief Planning Officer on proposed changes to the Council’s Constitution in relating to Planning Applications / Neighbourhood Planning to reflect changes to national legislation and the Council’s Governance arrangements, including the creation of the Cabinet member: Planning and Building Control portfolio and consequential changes to other portfolio holders’ responsibilities.


The proposed changes were detailed in paragraphs 2.3, 2.5, 2.8, 2.9, 3.4, 3.5 and 4.1 of the report.


The Head of Regulation and Compliance presented the report and indicated that since publication of the report, the final sentence of paragraph 2.3 had been amended slightly from:


“It is also recommended that applications to vary conditions on major applications which are not contentious are not considered by Planning Committee”.


To state:


“It is also recommended that applications to vary or remove conditions on major applications which are not contentious are not considered by Planning Committee’.





the final sentence in paragraph 2.3 be amended with the addition of the words ‘or remove’ to read as follows:


“It is also recommended that applications to vary or remove conditions on major applications which are not contentious are not considered by Planning Committee”; and



subject to the above amendment, the Audit and Governance Committee recommends to Council that the Constitution be amended to reflect the proposals set out in paragraphs 2.3, 2.5, 2.8, 2.9, 3.4, 3.5 and 4.1 of the report.