132 The Provision of Personal Protective Equipment and Corporate Clothing PDF 69 KB
Report of the Head of Commissioning Support and Business Intelligence
The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Commissioning Support and Business Intelligence in relation to securing pre-procurement approval to contribute to a Merseyside wide collaborative procurement exercise, led by Wirral Council, to secure a 4 year framework for the provision of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Corporate Clothing.
Decision Made: That:
(1) Sefton Council’s participation in a Merseyside wide collaborative procurement exercise to secure a 4 year framework for the provision of Personal Protective Equipment and Corporate Clothing be approved; and
(2) Authority be delegated to the Head of Commissioning Support and Business Intelligence to implement the resulting Contract within Sefton Council. |
Reasons for the Decisions:
Sefton Council needs to procure substantial quantities of Personal Protective Equipment and Corporate Clothing (e.g. uniforms) for safe and effective service delivery. Procuring these goods as part of a Merseyside wide collaborative group will afford greater opportunity for Sefton to benefit from economies of scale, as has been achieved in other areas of Merseyside wide collaboration.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Sefton Council could seek to procure Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and Corporate Clothing items on a standalone basis however this would not:
a) Secure the economies of scale that a Liverpool City Region collaborative contract would secure; or
b) Contribute to the aims and objectives of the Council and other Liverpool City Region authorities to procure collaboratively where it is considered advantageous to do so.
Sefton Council could seek to procure PPE and Corporate Clothing through an existing national framework. This has not been recommended as the existing national frameworks do not currently include any local companies. Establishing a LCR Framework will allow for local and national companies to compete.