32 Sefton Economic Strategy Framework PDF 95 KB
Report of the Executive Director
Additional documents:
The Cabinet considered the report of the Executive Director that updated Members on the outcome of the consultation process of the Sefton Economic Strategy and sought agreement to delegate approval of the final version of the Sefton Economic Strategy and associated action plans to Cabinet Member Regeneration and Skills.
Cabinet Member for Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services requested that reference be made to the Rural Economy within the report.
Decision Made: |
Cabinet agreed to:
(1) note the outcome of the consultation process of the Sefton Economic Strategy; and
(2) delegate approval of the final version of the Sefton Economic Strategy and associated action plans to Cabinet Member Regeneration and Skills |
Reasons for the Decisions:
To update members on progress with this Key Decision and, to allow further time to align this work with the Council’s Growth Programme, seek agreement to delegate approval of the final version and associated action plans to Cabinet Member Regeneration and Skills
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected: