Issue - meetings

Leasehold house sales in Sefton

Meeting: 13/03/2018 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regeneration and Skills) (Item 49)

49 Leasehold House Sales in Sefton pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Report of the Head of Economic Growth and Housing


Further to Minute No. 16 of 19 September 2017 the Committee considered the report of the Head of Economic growth and Housing that:-



updated on the Government’s current position regarding consultation outcomes and future proposals to tackle unfair and unreasonable abuses of leasehold; in particular the sale of new leasehold houses and onerous ground rents; and



highlighted the information, help and guidance published on the Council’s web site regarding leasehold sales.


The report indicated that the Cabinet Member – Communities and Housing had submitted a response to the Government’s consultation ‘Tackling unfair practices in the leasehold market’; that the Government published its report on 21 December 2017; and summarised the responses in relation to leasehold sales and ground rents on leasehold properties. The full published response can be accessed here:  


The report concluded by detailing how the Council was raising awareness of leasehold sales in Sefton by promoting and publicising information via its preferred communication channels including the Council’s Housing and Investment Services departmental web pages alongside news items published on the MYSefton news site.


Members of the Committee asked questions/made comments on the following issues:-


·       Concern was raised about the mass ownership of leaseholds by a small number of people

·       The inadequacy of the law at present in respect of leasehold sales and the concern that the future legislation proposed by Government on this issue may not be enacted due to a shortage of Parliamentary time

·       Government’s consideration as to how existing leaseholders can be supported and the introduction by some developers of schemes to compensate individuals

·       This issue had cross party support on the Council and residents  should be urged to lobby their Members of Parliament to seek a change in the law regarding leasehold sales

·       The UK was the only country in the western world using leasehold sales





the report on leasehold house sales in Sefton be noted; and



the Head of Economic Growth and Housing be requested to submit a report to this Committee once Government has introduced legislation to ban the sale of leasehold houses as referred to in paragraph 3.3 of the report.