Issue - meetings

Adoption of 5 Supplementary Planning Documents and Information Notes

Meeting: 21/06/2018 - Cabinet (Item 18)

18 Adoption of 5 Supplementary Planning Documents and Information Notes pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Report of the Chief Planning Officer



The Cabinet considered the report of the Chief Planning Officer in relation to a recent consultation regarding 5 Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) relating to Affordable, special needs Housing and Housing Mix; House Extensions; Flats and Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO’s); New Housing.


Having considered the responses received, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member: Planning and Building Control, it is proposed that the SPDs, incorporating any changes recommended in the report, should be adopted as Council policy. This will enable them to be given ‘full weight’ as material considerations when planning applications are determined.


In addition to the SPDs being replaced, it is also proposed to revoke the Southport Seafront SPD. This was adopted in 2003 and has been largely superseded by policies in the Sefton Local Plan and the Southport Strategy and other guidance.


Work is likely to commence on the preparation of SPDs relating to Shop fronts, signage and security, and A Boards, Pavement Cafes and Outdoor trading in the near future.


Decision Made:  That the Cabinet agreed to:


(1)            adopt the following SPDs:

·         Affordable, Special Needs Housing and Housing Mix;

·         House Extensions;

·         Flats and Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO’s);

·         New Housing; 

·         Sustainable Travel; and

·         Southport Seafront SPDs; and


(2)            revoke the existing SPDs, as detailed in paragraph 7.1 to the report by replacing them with the newly adopted SPDs detailed in recommendation (1) above.


Reasons for the Decision:


It is necessary for the Council to adopt the Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs) in order to provide clear and consistent guidance for developers and others about how the requirements of policies in the Sefton Local Plan will be interpreted and implemented.


Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:


The alternative would be not to adopt the SPDs. However, this is contrary to the requirements of the Sefton Local Plan, and would result in similar information being provided in relation to all relevant planning applications. In addition, if there were no adopted SPDs, the guidance would not be able to be given the same weight in the decision-making process as with the SPDs in place. This would also result in the inefficient use of resources.