Report of the Head of Locality Services – Commissioned.
The Committee considered the report of the Head of Locality Services – Commissioned on the results of a consultation with residents and seeking the progression of a residents’ parking scheme in Gloucester Road, Bootle between its junctions with Park Street and Oxford Road.
(1) the results of the consultation be noted;
(2) the Cabinet Member for Locality Services be requested to;
(i) approve the introduction of the Residents’ Privileged Parking scheme in Gloucester Road between its junctions with Park Street and Oxford Road as shown in Annex A.
(ii) approve the revocation of the existing Traffic Regulation Orders, as described within the report.
(3) the progression of the necessary Traffic Regulation Orders, including those of public consultation and advertising the Council’s intention to implement the Order, be authorised;
(4) in the event that no objections are received during the consultation process, referred to in (3) above, the Head of Regulation and Compliance be authorised to make the Order(s) and the Head of Locality Services - Commissioned be authorised to implement the order; and
(5) in the event that objections are received during the consultation process, the matter be referred back to this Committee for further consideration.