9 Licensing/Child Sexual Exploitation Working Group Final Report – June 2018 PDF 83 KB
Report of the Head of Regulation and Compliance
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 6 of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Regulatory, Compliance and Corporate Services) of 12 June 2018, the Committee considered the report of the Head of Regulation and Compliance setting out progress made against each of the recommendations formulated by the Licensing/Child Sexual Exploitation Working Group and approved by Cabinet.
One recommendation requested that contact be made with the borough’s three Members of parliament seeking the views of Government on strengthening the existing Regulations regarding personal licences and to ensure that Care Providers who offer residential placements for 16 – 18 year old children and young people were inspected by a regulatory body. Peter Dowd M.P. had contacted Nadhim Zahawi M.P. Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Children and Families and Mr. Zahawi’s response was attached to the report.
A Further recommendation requested the Head of Schools and Families to promote the Child Sexual Exploitation e-learning tool with all schools and governing bodies and with a request that school e-newsletters contain a hyperlink to the e-learning tool. The report provided information on how 23 schools across the borough had actioned the request.
Members of the Committee asked questions/raised matters on the following issues:-
· The Child Sexual Exploitation e-learning tool was being promoted with all schools and governing bodies, with a request that school newsletters should contain a hyperlink to the e-learning tool. What was the Council doing to encourage the issue of on-line safety with schools?
The Director of Social Care and Health chaired a group on child exploitation. He would ensure that the e-learning tool was promoted at the next meeting.
That the report setting out progress made against each of the recommendations formulated by the Licensing/Child Sexual Exploitation Working Group and approved by Cabinet be noted.
6 Licensing/Child Sexual Exploitation Working Group Final Report – June 2018 PDF 83 KB
Report of the Head of Regulation and Compliance
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 42 of 16 January 2018 the Committee considered the report of the Head of Regulation and Compliance setting out progress made against each of the recommendations formulated by the Licensing/Child Sexual Exploitation Working Group and approved by Cabinet.
One recommendation requested that contact be made with the borough’s three Members of parliament seeking the views of Government on strengthening the existing Regulations regarding personal licences and to ensure that Care Providers who offer residential placements for 16 – 18 year old children and young people were inspected by a regulatory body. Peter Dowd M.P. had contacted Nadhim Zahawi M.P. Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Children and Families and Mr. Zahawi’s response was attached to the report.
A Further recommendation requested the Head of Schools and Families to promote the Child Sexual Exploitation e-learning tool with all schools and governing bodies and with a request that school e-newsletters contain a hyperlink to the e-learning tool. The report provided information on how 23 schools across the borough had actioned the request.
That the report setting out progress made against each of the recommendations formulated by the Licensing/Child Sexual Exploitation Working Group and approved by Cabinet be noted.