28 Approval of Legal Documentation for Academy Conversions PDF 78 KB
Report of the Head of Schools and Families
The Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Schools and Families in relation to the Regional Schools Commissioner who had, on 24 May 2018, issued an academy order to enable Kew Woods Primary School to convert to an academy. It was also reported that the governing body of Churchtown Primary School had also informed the Local Authority of their application to convert to an academy. The report sought authorisation for officers to sign the documentation required by the Government’s academy conversion process at the appropriate time.
Decision Made: |
Cabinet agreed to:
(1) note the statutory requirements regarding academy conversion;
(2) note the financial implications to the Council; and
(3) authorise the Head of Schools and Families in consultation with the relevant Officers to complete the necessary agreements required as part of the academy conversion process for the following schools as outlined in the report: Kew Woods Primary School and Churchtown Primary School. |
Reasons for the Decision:
Cabinet needs to authorise appropriate officers to enter into the agreements required as part of the academy conversion process.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
There are no alternative options. The Secretary of State has the powers to direct that the academy conversion process can continue if the agreements are not signed.