The arvato Contract
Presentation by the Head of Corporate Resources
Further to Minute No. 54 of 6 March 2018 the Committee received a presentation from Stephan Van Arendsen, Head of Corporate Resources on the arvato contract.
Mr. Van Arendsen:-
· Indicated that the arvato contract ended on 30 September 2018; that 4 of the 5 services would return to the Council and that a new ICT provider was being sought; that the current value of the contract was £15m; that the services involved underpinned all major activities and Income sources of the Council but also key interface with residents; and that a significant staff transfer would be required
· Detailed the governance arrangements associated with the contract which included regular briefings to Cabinet Members and a joint Exit Board with arvato
· Advised that the new ICT provider procurement was nearing completion and an announcement was expected between 29 June to 6 July 2018
· Detailed the core elements of activity which included staff briefings/ what would the transfer entail; the systems, processes, policies and controls; ICT Transformation; assessment of risk; and audit activity to end of 2019 at least
· Issues associated with ICT and services returning to Council post 2018 including a further assessment of core systems, processes, policies and controls; financial assessment and control/ risk assessment; leadership, management, culture; integration with Council services: a contract review and development plan; and how feedback would be provided to Members
Members of the Committee asked questions/commented on the following issues:-
· The numbers of staff transferring from arvato back to Sefton Council
· The transition plans in place for such staff transfers including TUPE arrangements and senior management oversight of the process
That Stephan Van Arendsen be thanked for his informative presentation. |