Report of the Head of Commissioning Support and Business Intelligence
Further to Minute No. 80 of the meeting held on 2 November 2017 the Cabinet considered the report of the Head of Commissioning Support and Business Intelligence that sought authorisation to procure a new Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) service for a period of up to four years to deliver the Council’s statutory duties in relation to Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) young people, with an additional range of preventative actions for those at risk of becoming NEET.
Decision Made:
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a procurement exercise be authorised, subject to a satisfactory and compliant tender process, to vary an earlier decision to enter into a contract for two years and to enter into a longer contract of up to four years’ duration from April 2019 in relation to a new Information, Advice and Guidance service to deliver the Council’s statutory duties in relation to Not in Education, Employment or Training young people: and
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authority be delegated to the Cabinet Member - Regeneration and Skills, in conjunction with the Head of Corporate Resources and the Head of Commissioning Support and Business Intelligence, to finalise the structure of the contract to be procured before publication on the Chest and to award the Contract following completion of a satisfactory and compliant tender process. |
Reasons for the Decisions:
The Council made an application to the Government’s Life Chances Fund earlier this year which has unfortunately not been supported. The intention had been to incorporate top-up funding from this source together with other funding from social investors to create a new IAG service offer with a Social Impact Bond at its core. The decision on Life Chances Fund was taken at HM Government Cabinet level via Department for Culture Media and Sport and was made public in September 2018. Advice has been sought from social investment specialists and this has indicated that a longer contract duration, given the absence of Life Chances Fund finance, would make Sefton’s scheme more viable for other social investors.
Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
1. Procure a contract until March 2020 in line with the decision taken by Cabinet in November 2017
There has been significant delay in the time taken to assess the Life Chances Fund which has impacted upon the Cabinet’s previous decision, reducing the amount of time available for the introduction of a new service. Advice has indicated that, in the absence of government funding through Life Chances Fund, a longer contract period would increase the commercial attractiveness of our procurement opportunity and provide greater scope for suppliers to deliver innovative approaches.
2. Procure a jointly commissioned service alongside the Liverpool City Region Local Authority partners.
This option has been considered as at least four of the Merseyside LAs have been working together on IAG commissioning for some years and their approach has led to changes in the pattern of service delivery across the sub-region. In particular, NEET data tracking/reporting and engagement /support activities have been undertaken elsewhere by in-house LA staff while careers guidance ... view the full minutes text for item 50