4 Sefton Public Health Annual Report 2017 PDF 100 KB
Report of the Head of Health and Wellbeing.
Prior to consideration of the attached report, a short video on the latest Public Health Annual Report will be shown to the Committee.
Additional documents:
Further to Minute No. 5 of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Adult Social Care and Health) of 26 June 2018, the Committee considered the report of the Head of Health and Wellbeing on the Annual Report of the Director of Health and Wellbeing 2017/18 that was a statutory requirement and identified key issues affecting health in the Sefton population. This year’s annual report had been produced as a short film that explored the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people, together with the services and resources available to support them.
Prior to consideration of the report, a short video presenting the latest Public Health Annual Report (PHAR) was shown to the Committee, which was entitled “Growing Up Healthy and Happy”. The film explored the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people and the services and resources which were available to support them. The film recognised the importance of building resilience, promoting good mental health and wellbeing and enabling children and young people to grow up happy and healthy. The PHAR also covered key facts and figures and highlighted a number of recommendations for implementation during 2018/19.
Following the meeting of the Council on 19 July 2018, the video would be available for viewing via the Council’s web-site and would be widely disseminated.
Steve Gowland, Public Health Lead, was in attendance at the meeting to present the PHAR and respond to questions put by Members of the Committee.
Hard copies of the PHAR were circulated at the meeting.
Members of the Committee asked questions/raised matters on the following issues:-
· The PHAR was very well received by Members.
· Which groups had been involved with the video?
There were so many established groups it had been difficult to determine who to involve. A number of schools had been involved including Greenbank High School and Merefield School.
· How would the PHAR be promoted within schools so that young people would be aware of services?
Some activity was just commencing and a charity, Young Minds, would be getting involved with schools. The link to the video would go live once full Council had received the PHAR and the link would be shared with schools. Liverpool John Moores University would be evaluating a number of pilot projects that had been commissioned to develop resilience amongst school age children.
· How widespread was mindfulness practiced in schools?
Some schools were using forms of mindfulness practice. However, the Public Health team had not identified a cost effective intervention that could be rolled out across all schools.
That the Public Health Annual Report be received and its contents be noted.
6 Sefton Public Health Annual Report 2017 PDF 100 KB
Report of the Head of Health and Wellbeing.
Prior to consideration of the attached report, a short video on the latest Public Health Annual Report will be shown to the Committee.
Additional documents:
The Committee considered the report of the Head of Health and Wellbeing on the Annual Report of the Director of Health and Wellbeing 2017/18 that was a statutory requirement and identified key issues affecting health in the Sefton population. This year’s annual report had been produced as a short film that explored the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people, together with the services and resources available to support them.
Prior to consideration of the report, a short video presenting the latest Public Health Annual Report (PHAR) was shown to the Committee, which was entitled “Growing Up Healthy and Happy”. The film explored the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people and the services and resources which were available to support them. The film recognised the importance of building resilience, promoting good mental health and wellbeing and enabling children and young people to grow up happy and healthy. The PHAR also covered key facts and figures and highlighted a number of recommendations for implementation during 2018/19.
Following the meeting of the Council on 19 July 2018, the video would be available for viewing via the Council’s web-site and would be widely disseminated.
Matthew Ashton, Head of Health and Wellbeing was in attendance at the meeting to present the PHAR and respond to questions put by Members of the Committee.
Hard copies of the PHAR were circulated at the meeting.
Members of the Committee asked questions/raised matters on the following issues:-
· Were mental health first aiders being introduced in schools and colleges?
Yes. An on-line app was being developed to assist in this area. On-line counselling was also being considered.
· Reference was made to a project being undertaken by the Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner on children with a parent in prison.
That the Public Health Annual Report be received and its contents be noted.